Explore everything you need to know about our process, timelines, and landscaping requirements below. Need help? Contact us at customerseasonal@sterlingedmonton.com.
Get Ready with These Steps:
Step One:Watch our engaging process video in your preferred language:
We’re hoping for clear skies and an easy breezy season!
Outdoor work begins in June and continues until the first snowfall.
We complete outdoor work during warmer weather for quality assurance.
We prioritize completing outstanding work from the previous year.
Rain will delay progress, requiring three dry days for every rainy day to resume work.
Completing outdoor work may span up to two growing seasons due to weather, neighboring construction, and surveyor or city delays.
Damage to your lot or landscaping might occur as neighboring homes are constructed.
Refrain from installing trees, decks, sheds, or fencing until we've obtained lot grade approval. Any alterations made prior to approval will affect our ability to fulfill our obligations.
To prevent delays, please keep your property clear of any objects.
Detached garages are built on concrete which means completion may extend past possession.
Before starting your landscaping, please make sure to follow the developer guidelines.
To avoid delays in your deposit refund, do not alter your lot or architectural features before the final developer inspection and approval. This includes changes like exterior door colors.
Whether or not we complete your landscaping, it is your responsibility to apply for final developer inspection.
Maintain sod and plants; we don’t provide a warranty as they are highly dependent on watering and care.
All information and instructions can be found in myHOMEbase under the landscaping tab.
Homeowner Landscaping Checklist:
If landscaping package was included with the purchase of your Sterling Home, please start at Install permanent address plaque.
Retrieve Rough Grade Approval and Rough Grade Certificate from the Documents tab in myHOMEbase. You will be notified when they have been uploaded.
No Rough Grade Documents? Possible Reasons:
Rough grade may not have been completed yet.
Rough grade completed but awaiting surveyor certification or municipal approval.
Documents have not been sent or processed yet.
Do not move forward with landscaping, deck work or other lot enhancements until Rough Grade Approval has been obtained
Continue with maintenance and regular watering to keep your lawn healthy.
Do not alter exterior features of your home like painting your front door before inspection takes place.
Fencing is not required in order to pass Final Developer Inspection, however, if it is present at time of inspection, it will be reviewed for compliance with building and color requirements.
Wait for developer approval and deposit refund via cheque.
Average inspection process from initial inspection request to deposit release takes approximately 6-8 weeks.
Landscaping requirements are designed to promote a healthy, attractive, and sustainable environment that benefits both individuals and the broader community. To receive your deposit refund, you must meet the minimum requirements outlined in the developer’s guide and pass final developer inspection.
Ready for landscaping? Find the requirements for your community here.
Select your community to view your community landscaping requirements:
Deposit Refund Submission:
The Landscaping & Architecture deposit is required by the developer to ensure compliance with both the landscaping and architectural requirements of the community. Please note that Sterling Homes only requests final developer inspections on your behalf and is not the inspecting agent. Inspection failures may be subject to a minimum $150 per re-inspection fee, which if applied, would be deducted from your applicable deposit refund. The release of your deposit relies on obtaining Final Developer Approval.
*You must submit your property for a final developer inspection, even if Sterling Homes completes the landscaping*
Inspections take place between June-September.
Average inspection process can take 6-8 weeks before deposit release.
Ensure landscaping has been completed as per minimum developer requirements.
Ensure Final Grade Approval and Final Grade Certificate has been obtained.
Continue with maintenance and regular watering to keep your lawn looking healthy.
Do not alter exterior features of your home such as painting your front door before inspection takes place.
Fencing is not required in order to pass Final Developer Inspection, however, if it is present at time of inspection, it will be reviewed for compliance with building and color requirements.
Ensure you are subscribed to receive important updates regarding your submission.
Done your landscaping? Submit for your Final Developer Inspection here.
Select your community to begin deposit refund process:
Report Lot Damage:
Despite our best efforts, sometimes damage to areas under active construction is unavoidable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we will make it right. If your lot was damaged by a Sterling Home build, please fill out this form with details and pictures of the damage. Your ticket will be added to our repair list and addressed as soon as possible. Please note that weather conditions and the construction stage of the neighboring lot may cause some delays, and we appreciate your patience.
If your lot was damaged by a builder other than Sterling Homes, please contact that builder directly to request repairs.